How to develop a successful hockey player?

How to develop a successful hockey player?

Improve the player, make the team better!

Part 1.

The skill requirements in modern hockey are growing at an unprecedented rate. This is due to many factors, the main ones being the increase in intensity and tactical sophistication of the game itself, and the increasing competition between players, leagues, and national teams of individual countries.

The ability to handle both offensive and defensive play in all zones is a must for any complex player. This is possible thanks to quality skating skills, physical play, foresight, creativity, courage, puck control in difficult game situations, and accurate finishing.

We at HDTS are convinced that the right training approach, applied in time to all areas of player development, can bring the necessary profit. In this case, it is the opportunity to become competitive, take a place in the best teams and national teams, win trophies and bring profit to club owners.

For this reason, we been developing our individual model of player training, which, in addition to special hockey diagnostic training centers, is used directly in teams (clubs), hockey federations, colleges, and universities. An individual approach and consistent development of physical readiness, or improvement of hockey skills, have enabled many hockey players to become more successful. It is important to apply a correlational approach that helps in a systematic way of developing hockey skills and fitness. Even today, it enables hockey players to improve their level and become successful. You can see the general view here:

Skating technique

Skating is a skill that every hockey player must have at a great level. In the past, several players whose skating was not at the TOP level made it to the top, but nowadays it is a real rarity. Today, the obvious equipment of high-quality players is not only the correct technique but also sufficient dynamism. Correct skating technique allows players to move efficiently and allows them to successfully handle game tasks.

Efficient movement means that the player uses muscle energy sparingly and can "recharge" it quickly in the relaxation phase, or can use high-intensity expenditure to move as quickly as possible on the ice. At the same time, a good skater is maximally stable in every skating position in order to create comfortable conditions for "puck work".

Skating style is individual. Its main measure is the successful solution of specific game tasks brought by the game. However, we think that there is a structure of skating movement that is the most advantageous from the point of view of biomechanics, and our goal is to bring every player as close as possible to this model. We take a very responsible approach to diagnosing the level of skating technique and use an automatic skating technique analysis system with artificial intelligence. After identifying deficiencies in technique, coaches can work to eliminate incorrect movement patterns.

We focus on improving the technique of forward skating, backward skating and also the technique of agility skating. For this, we use trainings on the ice, trainings off the ice and trainings on artificial ice, respectively on the skating treadmill.

A skating treadmill is an ideal tool for improving skating technique and gliding during acceleration and when skating at a constant level. Its advantage is that skating on a treadmill requires more effort than on natural ice, due to the sliding properties of artificial ice. The contrast when switching to "normal" brings players a benefit in the form of efficient movement.

The ideal start of a training program is the diagnostic of a skating technique by using skating analysis. According to the focus of the training program, we perform analysis during forward starts, when skating at a constant level forward and backward, and when skating with the puck. With the help of special exercises in the Instructor program, a coach can set up a training plan and implement it consistently. In the training process, we use aids (Laser, Live Delay, Peripheral navigation, Shooter...) that support the correct execution of the movement, enable immediate feedback, or simulate match conditions in training.

At the end of the program, a comparative analysis will be carried out, where you can clearly see how successful the work was. In conclusion, we would like to point out that the use of a hockey skating treadmill needs to be rationally integrated into the overall training plan, so that the player can complete high-quality training on the ice and also off the ice, and at the same time to have enough time for regeneration and also for personal life. Training on the treadmill without adequate preparation on the ice is not effective enough.