The Advantage of HST A230 005 Skatemill

The Advantage of HST A230 005 Skatemill

Our premium solution for the development of skating technique – Skatemill HST A 230 005 is an advanced training tool meant to be integrated in a professional hockey diagnostic training center. Despite the difficult times, we, in HDTS group are working on continuous improvements of our solutions by adding a new technologies and integrating them into the training process.

Development use cases with our professional diagnostic/training solution:

  • AI based skating technique analysis
  • Shooting – In-stride shooting on the skatemill, report system (measures accuracy and speed also includes history of training sessions) - beeSPORT | Shooter
  • stickhandling development and multitasking fitness, coordination and conditioning growth
  • peripheral vision - beeSPORT | Peripheral Navigation

The product is designed to suit the training needs of professional players as well as development of children, youth, and amateurs. For this purpose, the product A230 version 005 has implemented:

  • Functional skating surface 230cm x 200cm (7’6” x 6’6”) with a puckplate – static extension around the skatemill 80cm (2’7”)
  • Top speed 35km/h with a optional 40km/h package
  • Forward and reverse run of the skatemill
  • Pop-out safety handle system
  • Quiet operation (73dB – 35km/h, 65dB – 20km/h)
  • Online monitoring – Real-time tracking of key HST parameters
  • Laser education system – laser projected plane to guide skating
  • 3D visualization of premises
  • Additional integration options:
    • Skating Analysis – AI based video analysis tool
    • Live Delay - Video delay tool for feedback
    • Instructor – 200+ categorized video exercises
    • Shooter – Software integration tool to measure speed and accuracy of shots (live view, session report)
    • Peripheral Navigation – System of monitors at specific angles for development of peripheral vision
    • Stride power test – Evaluation of optimal training speed for players for the most effective development (Measurement of maximum power produced at 18km/h, 20km/h, 22km/h, etc.)
    • WinGate - Fatigue index measured in one segment (Measurement of the difference of power produced at the beginning of the test vs at the end, 30sec)
    • PowerGate – Fatigue index measured in multiple segments (Measurement of the difference of power produced between multiple segments of the test, 3×10sec)
    • Other hockey training equipment
  • FunIce – Synthetic ice around the skatemill

Based on the facts stated above (not misleading marketing), the skatemill with our additional training tools is a unique concept worldwide. Our company’s strategy is to present measurable parameters that the customer can see and understand. Perhaps this is why our solution is already in 18 countries around the world. We expect to expand our solutions in 3 more countries by the end of the year.