New center in the mecca of Canadian hockey

New center in the mecca of Canadian hockey

The entry to the North American market this week began to gain new momentum. It is no coincidence that a modern hockey training diagnostic center will soon open its doors in Canada, the country that gave the world ice hockey.

In addition to developing players of all ages and levels, the center will cooperate with our company and will be also our demonstration center. This means that visitors will find the most modern equipment, the latest training programs and methods, top-level software, professional staff and much more. Therefore, we can already say that the new hockey center in Toronto will become an exemplary center for the whole of North America.

The quality of the HDTS solution is also evidenced by the fact that at present there is a steady interest in other cities of Canada and the USA. Moreover, some agreements on the opening of such centers are in an advanced stage. It is only a matter of time (and, possibly, the nearest time), despite the still existing restrictions caused by the pandemic, when similar centers will open in other cities. It seems like the center in Toronto will be the second training center equipped by HDTS in this region (the first one is successfully operating in Detroit, USA), opened during a difficult pandemic situation.

Now that the next wave of coronavirus has come to Europe, restrictions are gradually being lifted in Canada and the United States. Therefore, we believe that the opening of the new center in Toronto early next year will generate great interest.