Testing of athletes, reports, analytics and planning SOFTWARE

... solution for optimal development of athletes

beeSPORT gives you

  • Accurate diagnosis of the state of the athlete, identification of talented individuals.
  • Player’s card, athlete’s profile.
  • Comparing the results within the team, age groups and performance category.
  • The ability to monitor and correct the progress of the athlete.
  • Creating an optimal training plan.


Modular software ecosystem

  • Multisport solution (football, hockey, volleyball, tennis, swimming, ...).
  • Specialized tests for selected sports.
  • Designed for professional training of athletes and sports enthusiasts too.
  • Who is it good for:
    • Clubs
    • Associations
    • Sports centers & Academies
    • Professional fitness centers.


Individual athlete development & beeSPORT

beeSPORT covers several components of sports training process.

beeSPORT | family

  • beeSPORT|tester – Used for diagnostics and testing of the athletes. It contains several dozen different tests. They are general test applicable for various sports but also specialized. The application communicates with external devices measuring various physical values. The result is instantly available for the athlete or coach.

  • beeSPORT|reporter - Overview of the individual or team evaluation test results. Possibility of comparison with standards (norms). Player card with its history.

  • beeSPORT|analyser - An analytical tool for comparing and evaluating acquired information about athletes. It serves for SWOT analysis of players and teams.

  • beeSPORT|trainer - Application containing categorized trainings of athletes and GYM exercises. It allows the trainer to create optimal training plans.

  • beeSPORT|reminder - A special smartphone app providing athletes an up-to-date training schedule.

  • beeSPORT|center - Information system of the sports center. Records of resources, different schedules. Registration of contacts, communication and other important documentation.


Hockey edition includes

To improve the training of hockey players:

  • beeSPORT|live delay - plays video of athlete's activity with a few seconds delay. Excellent tool for coaches and athletes.

  • beeSPORT|peripheral navigator - Helps to improve the peripheral vision of an athlete by various exercises.

  • beeSPORT|shooter - Improves the shooting skills of hockey players. Players shoot at various targets specified by the software.

  • beeSPORT|motion analyser - The application displays and analyses the movement of important joints of the athlete's body and helps to optimize the athlete's technique (for example, skating).

  • beeSPORT|skating instructor - Application containing a set of more than 200 video exercises on Skating Treadmill (Skatemill) and ice. Great tool for trainers to make the training process for every need of the hockey player.

Special tests on the Treadmill (Skatemill):

  • beeSPORT|wingate – It is an anaerobic exercise test, most often performed on a stationary bicycle, that measures peak anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity. You can perform this exercise test on the Skating Treadmill (Skatemill) to get the most accurate information about a hockey player.

  • beeSPORT|stride power – A special test to evaluate the power of skating and find the optimal speed of Skating Treadmill (Skatemill) to develop a player's individual skills.

  • beeSPORT|power gate – A test on the Skating Treadmill (Skatemill) helps us to find out the special anaerobic performance and the specific endurance of the ice hockey player. You can create an individual training program and recommendations for the best training practice.


Software Roadmap

beeSPORT by stage of player preparation


beeSPORT workflow

The solution covers the basic phases of the training process.

beeSPORT concept

All data in beeSPORT is concentrated in the player card. The player card contains data measured in tests, health status, mental status, various notes. Player parameters can be compared to the standards or within a selected group of players. All data are recorded which allows you to see the progress of the players.

beeSport Suitcase contains various peripheral devices used for measuring the psychical performance of the athlete. Not included devices can be connected to beeSport by agreement.

User Interface

It is modern, ergonomical and responsive. You can set a dark and light application theme.

beeSPORT | tester

A module of beeSPORT for diagnostics and testing. Broad variety of different tests from the following categories:

  • Fitness Skills
  • Hybrid Skills
  • Mobility Skills
  • Coordination Skills
  • Stationary Bike Tests
  • Tests on Skatemill
  • Tests on Ice.

beeSPORT SUITCASE contains the necessary peripheral measuring devices:

  • Jumper
  • Agility Check
  • Tapping Check
  • Dyne
  • SWAY
  • Light Gates.

beeSPORT | reporter

A module that creates different reports according to the user's requirements. The measured data is written to the player card for each athlete. The basic reports divide the data into:

  • Individual reports
    • Comparison with the standard
    • Different types of standards (club, age category, group, team, ...)
  • Group reports
    • Comparison with the standard
    • Comparison with the group
  • Progress reports.

The app allows coaches to insert a comment or results intepretation into the reports. Health and mental tests can be also attached to the reports. Additionally, it is possible to export the reports to MS Excel.

Individual report example:


Group report example:

How to get beeSPORT

  • One-time purchase SW licenses plus training into methodology
  • Leasing of SW licenses plus training into methodology
  • Delivery of diagnostics and interpretation as a (repeated) service.

Contact us for more information about beeSPORT, license, pricing, and trading conditions.